Review on Pharmacological Activity of Amygdalin


Amygdalin is obtained from the pebbles of rosaceous fruits, like apricots, almond, cherries, peaches and plums. It is a plant glucoside which is ƚrĂĚŝƟŽnĂůůLJ used as ĂnƟƚƵmŽr drug. It produces ƐLJnĞrŐŝƐƟc ĞīĞcƚ if it combines with cŽnĚŝƟŽnĂů chemotherapy drugs. Amygdalin also used to cure many other diseases like to control asthma, improve immune system, causes apoptosis of human renal ĮbrŽbůĂƐƚ͕ inhibit hyperglycemia. Amygdalin is banning to use as ĂnƟƚƵmŽr drug by FDA due to lack evidences of cure in case of cancer but in ancient ƟmĞƐ it is used as ĂnƟƚƵmŽr drug by Chinese