Protection against OM on allcause AOM (aAOM) episodes and physician visits.


Streptococcus pneumoniae is considered as the prime causative pathogen responsible for pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, acute sinusitis, acute otitis media (AOM), and specificall\ pneumococcal disease which are invasive in nature. Нe vaccine developed for pneumococcal diseases is a heptavalent conjugate vaccine (PCV 7). Нis particular vaccine consists of capsular polysaccharides originated from seven diوٴerent Streptococcus pneumoniae species along with the protein diphtheria crm197 as conjugate antigens. In a month time aÑ–er inoculation in children this vaccine is able to increase the IgG level suÙ¹cientl\ to combat the pneumococcal infections. Нere are many designed cohort studies that evaluate the eوٴectiveness of PCV7 for IPD and otitis media. In those studies, PCV7 are significantl\ reducing the invasive pneumococcal disease especially under 1 year children. But PCV7 eوٴect for acute otitis media and otitis media with eوٴusion shows the unexpected results. First, almost all studies about PCV7 eوٴects for AOM are evaluated with terms of changes in episodes and altogether visits with medical purpose done by the children to the physician. In 2012, Taylor et al.  reported meta-analysis of PCV7 eوٴects against AOM that PCV7 provides some protection against OM on allcause AOM (aAOM) episodes and physician visits.