Pain in fish: Study on pain in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) with a painkiller


The behavioural response of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) exposed to painkiller (novalgin metamizol sodium) were evaluated after electricity current. Three different painkiller concentrations were selected. In the 1st experimental group containing 4% painkiller and 2nd experimental group containing 8% painkiller fish were exposed to 12 V current for 5 seconds. In the 3rd group containing 16% painkiller fish were exposed to 12 V direct and 220 V alternative current for 5 seconds. Following to the current the behavioural response of fish were recorded after 1, 15, and 30 minutes. Behavioural response refers to increase in respiration and trembling. In all groups at 1 minute after current the response were not different when compared to controls. At the high concentration of painkiller the behavioural response seemed to be decreased depending on the time.