New drug inhibits growth of cancer cells


A recent study has found a newly developed compound that starves cancer cells by attacking their ‘power plants’ - the so-called mitochondria. The new compound prevents the genetic information within mitochondria from being read. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and the University of Gothenburg report in their study that this compound could be used as a potential anti-tumour drug in the future; not only in mice but also in human patients. Mitochondria provide our cells with energy and cellular building blocks necessary for normal tissue and organ function. For a long time, the growth of cancer cells was assumed to be independent of mitochondrial function. However, this long-standing dogma has been challenged in recent years. Especially cancer stem cells are highly dependent on mitochondrial metabolism. Due to the central role of mitochondria for normal tissue function, and because drugs that target mitochondrial functions are usually very toxic, it has so far proven difficult to target mitochondria for cancer treatment.

Immunology is a branch of biomedical science which deals with an organism’s response towards an invading environmental factor. This process involves a complex interplay of invading particle and defence system of the host organism along with successive cascading molecular mechanism to eliminate the invading agent.

This peer reviewed journal includes clinical and cellular Immunological aspects such as Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus, Cancer Immunology, Tumor Biology, Macrophage Polarization, Transplantation Immunology, Innate Immunology, Adaptive Immunity, Cellular & Molecular Immunology, Vaccine Development, Signal Transduction, Innate Immunity, Cancer Immunotherapy, Inflammatory Disorders, Medical Immunology, Diagnostic Immunology, Clinical Immunology, HIV Immunology, Allergy & Immunology, Immunomodulation, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroinflammatory Diseases, Clinical & Vaccine Immunology, Clinical Experimental Immunology, T-cell Immunology etc.

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Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology
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