Is My Eye Infected?


Is My Eye Infected?

Maybe your eyes are itchy and they're starting to turn a shade of pink. Could it be an infection, you wonder? Your doctor can make the final call, but there are key signs to watch for that can give you clues.

An infection in your eye can show up in many different ways. A lot depends on which part of your eye has the problem. For instance, you can get symptoms in your:

  • Eyelid
  • Cornea (clear surface that covers the outside of your iris)
  • Conjunctiva (thin, moist area that covers the inside of the eyelids and outer white part of your eye)

Symptoms of an Eye Infection

You may have symptoms in one or both eyes when you have an infection. Look out for this kind of trouble:

How your eye feels. You may notice problems like:

  • Pain or discomfort
  • Itchy eyes
  • Feeling that something's on or in your eye
  • Eye hurts when it's bright (light sensitivity)
  • Burning in your eyes
  • Small, painful lump under your eyelid or at the base of your eyelashes
  • Eyelid is tender when you touch it
  • Eyes won't stop tearing up
  • Irritation in your eyes

How your eye looks. You could have changes like:

  • Discharge out of one or both eyes that's yellow, green, or clear
  • Pink color in the "whites" of your eyes
  • Swollen, red, or purple eyelids
  • Crusty lashes and lids, especially in the morning

Types of Eye Infections

Pinkeye (conjunctivitis): It's an infection of your conjunctiva and usually gives your eyes a pink tint. It can be caused by a bacteria or virus, although sometimes you might get it from an allergic reaction or irritants. It's common to get pinkeye when you have a cold. In adults, it is most commonly caused by a virus, and in children it is most likely bacterial.

Keratitis: This is an inflammation of your cornea that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites in water. It's a common problem for people who wear contact lenses.

Fungal eye infections: It's rare to get infections from a fungus, but they can be serious if you do. Many fungal eye infections happen after an eye injury, especially if your eye was scraped by a something from a plant, like a stick or a thorn. You can also get one if you wear contacts and don't clean them properly.

Uveitis: This is an inflammation of the middle layer of your eye, called the uvea. It can be caused by certain viruses like herpes, but is more commonly linked to autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Before deciding on the best treatment for your infection, your doctor will need to look at your eye and may also take a tissue or fluid sample. They'll send it to a lab, where it gets checked under a microscope or put into a dish to make a culture.

Media Contact:
Sarah Rose
Journal Manager Journal of Eye Diseases and Disorders