Impacts of fertiliser sources and foliar spraying with microelements on the quality and yield of the plant Pisum sativum, L.


Two field experiments were carried out at EI-Bramoon Agricultural Research Farm of Mansoura Horticultural Research Station during the two successive winter seasons of 2009 and 2010. The investigated effects of foliar spray with some microelements (Fe, Zn and Mn, 100 ppm) at different fertilizer sources (FYM, mineral fertilizer and control) and bio-fertilization with Rhizobium as well as their interactions on yield and yield components and chemical constituents of pea plant (Pisum sativum, L.) cv. Master-B. The foliar spraying pea plants with a mixture of microelements significantly increased yield components expressed as pod length, pod weight, number of green seeds/pod, weight of 100-green seed , seed index (1000-dry seed weight) and chemical constituents such as NPK, carbohydrates (%) and protein (%) of green seeds of pea plant in both seasons. The fertilization with FYM was the most reliable treatment compared with chemical fertilizer and control treatments in both seasons. All studied characteristics of pea plants were generally greater with bio-fertilizer treatment (Rhizobium) than the Chemical fertilizer. The best results were obtained from spraying pea plants with a mixture of microelements and application of FYM in the presence of Rhizobium inoculation.