Clinical Profile, Outcome and Application of MASCC Scoring in Febrile Neutropenic Patients


Background: Febrile neutropenia(FN) is a medical emergency and is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in ƉĂƟĞnƚƐ on chemotherapy. MASCC score cůĂƐƐŝĮĞƐ FN to low and high risk. Methods: A ƉrŽƐƉĞcÆŸvĞ͕ ŽbƐĞrvĂƟŽnĂů cohort study of cŽnƐĞcƵƟvÄž febrile neutropenia episodes were conducted in the Department of Medical oncology, Ramaiah medical college and hospital, Bengalore, from (October 2014– September 2016). The inclusion criteria were cŽnÄ®rmĞĚ malignancy and febrile neutropenia secondary to chemotherapy. The neutropenic episodes were ƐƚrĂƟĮĞĚ into high and minimal risk on MASCC score. Clinical, hematological and biochemical laboratory parameters were collected and compared with low and high MASCC score. Results: Hundred febrile neutropenia episodes were recorded; 85 in solid cancers and 15 in haematological cancers. Breast cancer was the most common cancer (27 out of 100) and E. coli was the major organism which was cultured (9 cases). The ĂƐƐŽcŝĂƟŽn of the MASCC score and the ĚƵrĂƟŽn of absolute neutrophil count recovery were found to be ƐƚĂƟƐƟcĂůůy ƐŝŐnŝĮcÄ‚nÆš (p7 days, tachypnea, hypotension, renal failure, culture ƉŽƐŝƟvŝƚyÍ• MASCC <21, ANC <50 cells, febrile neutropenia episodes in Ä‚ÄšmŝƩĞĚ ƉĂƟĞnƚƐ predicted poor outcome (p=0.001). Conclusion: The MASCC score ŝĚĞnƟĮĞĚ ƉĂƟĞnƚƐ with febrile neutropenic episodes into elevated risk and low risk. Gram nĞŐĂƟvÄž bacteremia is the predominant cause of febrile neutropenia in our setup. Individual centers must monitor epidemiology of ŝnĨĞcƟŽnƐ to formulate appropriate Ä‚nÆŸbŝŽƟc policy.