Chondrosarcoma- Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
Chondrosarcoma is a rare type of cancer that usually begins in the bones, but can sometimes occur in the soft tissue near bones. The most common locations for chondrosarcoma tumors are in the pelvis, hip and shoulder. More rarely, the base of the skull is affected.
The defining characteristic of a chondrosarcoma is that its cells produce cartilage. Some types of chondrosarcomas grow slowly and, provided they are removed completely, have a low risk of spreading to other organs and bones. Others grow rapidly and have a high risk of metastasis.
Surgical removal of the tumor is the mainstay of chondrosarcoma treatment. Radiation and chemotherapy are rarely helpful in the treatment of chondrosarcoma.
Chondrosarcoma signs and symptoms may include:
- Increasing pain
- A swelling or palpable mass
- Fracture due to weakened bone
If the tumor is pressing on the spinal cord, you might experience weakness, numbness or incontinence.
Chondrosarcoma is associated with certain genetic mutations. Some varieties of chondrosarcoma arise from the transformation of benign cartilage lesions into cancers.
Risk factors
While chondrosarcoma can occur at any age, the most prevalent variety typically affects middle-aged to older adults.
Ollier disease and Mafucci syndrome are conditions marked by an increased number of benign cartilage lesions (enchondromas) in the body. These lesions sometimes transform into chondrosarcoma.
Because most chondrosarcoma tumors grow so slowly, they may not be diagnosed for years. In some cases, tumors are discovered during imaging tests for unrelated problems. A biopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Imaging tests
An X-ray may identify a suspicious area of bone for further examination. Other imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT), can offer additional information about the tumor.
Doctors can confirm a diagnosis of chondrosarcoma by removing a sample of suspicious tissue with a needle or a scalpel and testing it in a lab. A biopsy must be performed in a certain way so that it doesn't make it more difficult to remove the cancer during a later operation.
Surgery is the primary treatment for chondrosarcomas. The goal is to remove the cancer and a margin of healthy tissue around it. The type of surgery you undergo will depend on the location of your chondrosarcoma.
Most chondrosarcomas are suitable for limb salvage surgery, where the cancer is removed and the affected bone is replaced or reconstructed. A small percentage of chondrosarcomas require amputation. This option is chosen when a tumor involves major nerves, blood vessels, or is so large that removal essentially destroys the function of the limb.
If your tumor is in a location such as the base of the skull, which makes it difficult to remove all the cancer, your doctor might suggest using radiation therapy before or after the operation.
Chondrosarcoma is typically a very slow-growing cancer and chemotherapy targets cells that grow very quickly, so this treatment is generally not very effective. Some rare variations of chondrosarcoma do grow more swiftly, so chemotherapy may be helpful in these cases.
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