Blood and urine samples were taken from patients who had been admitted for intravenous (IV) hydration and chemotherapy.


Before administering chemotherapy, ondansetron, a 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3, serotonin) receptor antagonist, is used as an antiemetic prophylactic. Ondansetron has a rare side effect called hypokalemia, which may go unreported because it is confused with emesis and chemotherapy-induced tubulopathy. We conducted a prospective cohort research to find out if renal potassium squandering caused by ondansetron resulted in severe hypokalemia independently. Ten of the twelve patients who were enrolled in the trial finished it. Prior to and during the administration of ondansetron, blood and urine samples were taken from patients who had been admitted for intravenous (IV) hydration and chemotherapy. To determine the salt and potassium balances, dietary histories and IV records were examined. The expected decrease in urine osmolality and rise in urine sodium were seen, but there was no statistically significant difference in the salt or potassium balance between the pre- and post-ondansetron periods. In individuals who are adequately hydrated and have a sufficient intake of nutrients, ondansetron does not significantly worsen potassium depletion. In patients receiving this drug who have on-going dietary or volume status deficiencies, careful monitoring of serum potassium levels is advised.